Monday, August 23, 2010

So where was I?

Well guess what? I'm back. After a long hiatus due to a new baby and some health problems I have returned to thrill the masses with with my brilliant, insightful, and pointless prattle.

Where was I? Oh yeah, I was going on about the Founding Fathers and whether this country was intended to be a Christian nation. I still have a couple of 'Fathers' to go and a couple of votes yet to cast but it occurs to me that it is a waste of time. We know the answer. Madison provided proof in spades. When the author of the First Amendment tells you what he intended, 'point blank' there is little room for debate. Anyone that insists on it beyond that point is so entrenched in their beliefs that they refuse to see the truth.

Our government was founded as a secular entity. This was not done to strip morality from government, but rather to promote it. It was not done to impede religious pursuit, but rather to protect it. It was put forth by James Madison and his contemporaries that religion (regardless of flavor) and government were both better off without the corrupting influence of the other. Two hundred plus years of history has proven their point repeatedly.

In fact even today as people debate the so called 'Ground Zero Mosque' we find that when government gets involved in religion it creates nothing but enmity and corruption. As politicians on both sides vie for gain by courting the volatile emotions of the masses. The media pundits and demagogues make millions by stoking the flames with their hyperbolic and irresponsible rhetoric. We are treated yet again to proof of our Founding Fathers wisdom. How wise must we be to recognize it? How foolish we must be to ignore it...