Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Woman condemned to stoning for adultery...

In my opinion all religions are simply a limited minds attempt to understand the limitless. A creator(s) may exist. There may even be a being or beings that concern themselves with our existence. Evidence of either is sorely lacking. 

I personally don't have trouble believing in a creator despite the lack of evidence. For me it is difficult to look at the clockwork perfection of the universe and not see intelligence behind it. Even if 'God' does exist however I do not believe he/she/them/it are communicating with people past or present telepathically, inspiring them to create or follow a particular religion. Man indoctrinates his fellow man. God it seems is not concerned with such petty things...

If there is any way to actually know the 'creator' it is through 'his' works. If the universe was created then the universe itself and the laws that govern it are the only quantifiable data we have that may provide insight into the nature or will of this 'being'. Thus science is the only pursuit worthy of the title 'religion'. Unfortunately science does not provide insight into right and wrong, only true and false.

I personally find the idea of someone being stoned to death disturbing and disgusting, especially for something as pathetically egocentric as sexual ownership. Man kills his fellow man. God it seems is not concerned with such petty things...
