Sunday, August 29, 2010

Restoring Honor?

I always viewed Beck as a source of derisive contempt. A bit like toilet paper for the brain. I might look his way long enough to make fun of him but for the most part he was beneath my notice. Then came the 'Restoring America' event.

I ignored the absurdity that he did not know it was scheduled for the anniversary of one of the most important events in U.S. history. I ignored the arrogant hype, that it would "change America" and "restore honor". I ignored it just as I had always ignored him. That is until at least 87,000 Americans traveled to DC to hear this man talk. These same people could have just stayed home and listened to him on the radio, or TV, but no. They traveled to the nations capital, fastidiously avoiding the green line, just to hear him and Palin rant in person.

Part pundit, part preacher. Beck's mix of religion and politics has resonated with the conservative discontent like a balm for the agony of independent thought. Beck's bugle call is one of anger and promises of a return to an idealized, romanticized, and untrue version of American history. His followers believe if they just pray and do what he says they can save America. The problem is how they seem to define 'save'. To them it means turning America into some sort of Christian fundamentalist dystopia. Where Christianity reigns over freedom like a vulture over the carcass of the Constitution. Slowly picking away at it until there is nothing left but the bare white bones of a once noble idea.

The truly sad part is that Beck is not even a true believer. His own lack of integrity and willingness to change his stance on points of principle prove his loyalty lies with his bank account and not with his followers cause. In my opinion this is the worst part. I mean, if you are going to do your best to destroy this country you should at least have the conviction of a tyrant instead of just the greed of one.

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