Monday, May 23, 2011

The Gadsden flag, and what it means to me...

This article is untimely at best. If I was going to write this, I probably should have done it a year ago when the flag first started to be embraced by the mostly well meaning but tragically mislead Tea Party et al. However, like many others, and despite my interest in history, I did not know the meaning of the flag. At one point I even created a parody that replaced the snake with a pile of solid waste (aka poop). I thought myself quite witty. After all who would want to tread on that? Given my contempt for the average Tea Party member, it seemed funnily appropriate.

Then out of curiosity, I felt compelled to research the history and meaning of the flag. Once aware of its historical importance, once aware of the sacrifices made by the men that first flew that flag, I was ashamed of my little joke. This is a flag that flew as a standard for the courageous American sailors that proudly and bravely took on the most powerful navy the world had ever seen. This flag flew in defiance of tyranny. This flag flew over the heads of men that made the ultimate sacrifice for their country and countrymen. It deserves the ultimate respect. It deserves reverence. It deserves the sanctity of the blood spilt to defend it.

In my shame, I found anger, anger at myself for my own ignorance, but even more so, anger at those that now fly the flag to support their political agendas. Many of whom have never sacrificed so much as a single hour for their country or community. It is now carried proudly by those that believe their country and their countrymen are asking too much of them. Those that believe their taxes are too high, those that believe that a healthy educated nation is not worth the price. Those that believe they should not have to sacrifice their money (let alone their lives) for their country. It is not patriotism but avarice that motivates most of those that now claim that flag as their own, and what once flew as a symbol of ultimate sacrifice now flies as a tribute to ultimate selfishness…  

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