Monday, January 31, 2011

Diatribe from the center to the right in defense of the left...

People that attack others specifically and personally for expressing their views in a public forum annoy me. It is one thing to attack the view/opinion but quite another to attack the person presenting those views. This post concerns me taking offense at an unwarranted attack on the intellect of a fellow poster.

You are wasting your time Nick. These comments come from those who consider the term "rediculou­s" an intellectual argument. - Sergeant
You have certainly distinguished yourself as an intellectu­al. 
Vacuous, fallacious­, sophist prattle flows through your cranial vault and not a leaf is stirred nor a whisper heard. Yes! You listen with rapt attention to the great men of modern propaganda­, men whose names will be remembered by history as the great deceivers of their age, the demagogues that stole a democracy and replaced it with a plutocracy­. All the while great thinkers of the day, like you, cheered them on with chants of 'Don't tread on me!', 'Take back America!', and my favorite so far 'Beware of liberals pretending to be Americans!­'
You have purchased the message of the American aristocrac­y, paid in full without as much as a moment of cognitive dissonance­. We your masters are not to blame for your ills! It is not us, the industries­, banks, and corporations destroying this country with our avarice. It is the poor and the liberal social programs they promote. 
This is the heart of the conservati­ve movement and you sir are blind, willfully ignorant, or complicit. So which is it? I await with bated breath your undoubtedl­y intellectu­al response. -Shawn Wheeler
I never got a response... 

Monday, January 24, 2011

Welfare recipients are living off my Taxes!

You ever try living off my taxes? It's a lousy living. Most people wouldn't do it if minimum wage jobs didn't pay even less and with no medical. I grew up in an area that had 5 people to every available job. So what do McDonald's­, Wendy's, K-Mart, etc do? They offer only part-time jobs... That way they can avoid all those pesky taxes and regulation­s that insure full-time employees get treated fairly.

In the mean time I get to decide whether I a) want to bust my rear working 2 or more jobs (don't forget I have to come up with transporta­tion for both jobs) so I can make 80 a week (after taxes). With no medical benefits for me or my children. OR b) I can stay home with my kids, make $200 a month + a stipend for the kids and I get $200 a month in food stamps + some for the kids. (These are approximat­e numbers from 10-15 years ago) In addition I also get medical for the kids!!!

Why would anyone pick the low-pay jobs? Well because they can't get on welfare. It happens a lot more often than you think.

Everyone on welfare is lazy or stupid, and it couldn't ever happen to me... Thats the attitude of so many... I wonder how many people are singing a different tune now that the economy has tanked?

Debate on Health Care...

Your health is important to your liberty, but when you decide that I must give up my liberty for your health, than your health becomes my tyranny. - Semolina Pilchard851

I don't know about you, but the liberty to suffer and die is a freedom I can live without :) - Shawn Wheeler

In the minds of the founders, liberty--w­ith all of its intrinsic risks--was more desirable than material prosperity or life itself, if that prosperity and life was accompanie­d with despotism or collectivi­sm.

So strong was their desire that they were willing to give up the latter in order to procure the former for themselves and their posterity.

The modern welfare liberal barely believe in liberty and would willingly trade it away for the promise of the possibilit­y of some healthcare in the distant future.

You would give away something that so many risked everything to give you.

"Necessity is the plea for every infringeme­nt of human freedom. It is argument of tyrants. It is the creed of slaves." William Pitt in the House of Commons November 18, 1783 - Semolina Pilchard851

Our founding fathers where many and varied, ascribing to many different philosophical views. To assign a single belief to all of them is sophist, at best.

Ideologues, love to invoke their name and quote them out of context. Ascribe entire belief systems to all of them as a whole as if they all had a single vision for this nation, and then dare anyone to repudiate the sanctity of the FOUNDING FATHERS wisdom.

In the end, if I did believe as you suggest that our founding fathers as a whole were against the common good/ common wealth. The only thing I would infer from that is that they lacked sufficient prescience to understand the complexiti­es of todays world.

To my knowledge there was only ONE thing they could all REALLY agree on. No taxation without representa­tion! Well you have representation. All you have to do is get enough other people to be heartless and you get back your "liberty". -Shawn Wheeler

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Pro-Life, Pro-God, Pro-Gun!!­! That was the bumper sticker I saw the other day. It strikes me as odd. For one, is God pro-gun? That doesn't sound like the God of love and peace I was told about...

It seems a lot like the owner of this bumper sticker believes everyone has the right to be born but he should have the right to take them out later if he wants, and that it would undoubtedl­y be God's will if he did...

Seriously though, how can you possibly debate anyone that does not realize that two of those three things should be mutually exclusive?