Monday, January 31, 2011

Diatribe from the center to the right in defense of the left...

People that attack others specifically and personally for expressing their views in a public forum annoy me. It is one thing to attack the view/opinion but quite another to attack the person presenting those views. This post concerns me taking offense at an unwarranted attack on the intellect of a fellow poster.

You are wasting your time Nick. These comments come from those who consider the term "rediculou­s" an intellectual argument. - Sergeant
You have certainly distinguished yourself as an intellectu­al. 
Vacuous, fallacious­, sophist prattle flows through your cranial vault and not a leaf is stirred nor a whisper heard. Yes! You listen with rapt attention to the great men of modern propaganda­, men whose names will be remembered by history as the great deceivers of their age, the demagogues that stole a democracy and replaced it with a plutocracy­. All the while great thinkers of the day, like you, cheered them on with chants of 'Don't tread on me!', 'Take back America!', and my favorite so far 'Beware of liberals pretending to be Americans!­'
You have purchased the message of the American aristocrac­y, paid in full without as much as a moment of cognitive dissonance­. We your masters are not to blame for your ills! It is not us, the industries­, banks, and corporations destroying this country with our avarice. It is the poor and the liberal social programs they promote. 
This is the heart of the conservati­ve movement and you sir are blind, willfully ignorant, or complicit. So which is it? I await with bated breath your undoubtedl­y intellectu­al response. -Shawn Wheeler
I never got a response... 

1 comment:

jenniferrdoty said...

of course not, it would require concentrated effort and deliberate thought...